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How to change the HTML or import a skin in Blogspot/Bloger


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Hello, today i noticed that not that many people had explored the power of personification that comes with Blogspot or Bloger.

To unleash this power you need to know some html, css and javascript.
But it you dont know any of it or dont have any time to do any of it, you can always download free skin for blogspot.

To modify the html of your page, you need to go on the control panel of you account.
When your there, there click on "layout"

2)Then click on the sub tab "edit HTML".

If you downloaded a template from the web, click browse, select the file .xml you unziped from the file you downloaded.

If you want to add meta tag or change the look of you page your forced to do it in HTML section.

You can try and fail until you succed
I hope i helped you fell free to comment and visit other pages from the blog
Have a nice day
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