10:13 a.m.
5:23 p.m.
NJR-Team.blogspot.com is moving to NJR-Team.com
This new blog based on WordPress is now up. The design of the site as been uplifted but is still not completed yet.
This new blog based on WordPress is now up. The design of the site as been uplifted but is still not completed yet.
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1:15 p.m.
Your Iphone as more information then you think, with the info you store on it for work or for your social life someone can steel it and acces all this information. That's why i give you this tutorial to protect your iPhone with a password.
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8:49 p.m.
The top 3 most used web browser according to w3schools.com statistic are FireFox with 46.6%, Internet Explorer 39.6%, and Google Chrome with 7.1%.
Browsers are not perfect, when you input the right thing, come Crash and it's ugly.
Come see your browser fail and be careful not to have anything important because it works.
Here is a way to make crash all the most used web browser
Browsers are not perfect, when you input the right thing, come Crash and it's ugly.
Come see your browser fail and be careful not to have anything important because it works.
Here is a way to make crash all the most used web browser
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10:16 p.m.
Search engine bring a lots of people to blogs and websites, that why it's important to display a title that would attract visitors.In this post I will tell you why and how to change the title in your Blogger/Blogspot blog.
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9:20 a.m.
10:23 p.m.
10:09 p.m.
9:29 p.m.
The other day while writing a text Cyberwarfare: hackers support the troops I had a sick idea! In the article I said that hackers could hack everything using a computer and or a satellite. So I started to think about everything that can be hacked. My first thought was missile, but after a while I thought about cardiac implant! Can they be hacked? I did some research and I found out that they can.
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8:13 p.m.
War is old as the world, only the way to do it has changed with time. During its evolution, the human race changed the way they were making war. They started with bare hands fighting, then with rocks and sticks, then with swords, bows and boats and finally gun, tanks, planes and missiles . Now in all the new modern wars, there is a new tool that generals can use to complete their strategies; Cyber warriors! |
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9:30 p.m.